We provide world-class quality products and services to our customers and trade partners with the highest level of transparency and accountability, through our professional, committed and highly skilled staff. 

Core Values

  • To offer world-class and high standard products and services
  • To be a globally recognized and trusted business partner
  • To ensure a transparency and accountability
  • To work collaboratively with customers and trade partners
  • To ensure environmental friendliness
  • To empower employees and ensure equality for all

(+855) 12 890 801

     (+855) 10 969 005

Borey Piphup Thmey La Sen Sok 2 #47-49, Street BT-08M, Phum Krang Angkrong, Sangkat Krang Thnong, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 120804

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